Building healthy bodies, one muscle at a time

Personal Training in the Comfort of Your Own Home

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NCCA Certified Personal trainer

Group Personal Training Specialist

Weight Loss specialist

corrective exercise specialist

senior fitness specialist

golf fitness specialist

performance enhancement specialist

Youth exercise specialist

mma conditioning specialist

About In Home Personal Trainers

In Home Personal Trainers is a personal training company based in Eastern CT. Nigel Sealy is a highly experienced personal trainer who specializes in providing personalized workouts in the comfort of his clients' homes.


Strength training

A personalized program to build muscle and increase strength.

Cardiovascular training

Customized exercises to improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

Functional training

A program designed to improve overall physical function and movement.

Flexibility training

Techniques to increase range of motion and reduce risk of injury.

Core training

Workouts that target the muscles in the core for improved stability and posture.

Posture correction

Techniques to correct poor posture and prevent pain and injuries.

Weight loss

A personalized plan to help clients reach their weight loss goals.

Sports-specific training

Training programs tailored to specific sports or athletic activities.


Get fit at the comfort of your own home! As a special offer for new clients, Nigel Sealy is offering a free first training session to get you started on your fitness journey.